Payroll Managemnt

Our Payroll Management System deals with all financial aspects of employee's salary, allowances, deductions, gross pay, net pay and generation of pay-slips for a specific period. It is essentially an accounts activity that kick starts the salary administration of employees in the organization and is fully integrated with accounts - accruing the benefits of a simplified Payroll processing and accounting process.

Corporate Facility Management

We let you focus on the core areas of your business and outsource the remaining tasks on us. Your priority should be to run and grow your business without being bogged down by mundane tasks. We are specialists in corporate facility management services. Hence, we do our tasks at less cost and in less time than if your business did it on it's own. It is a win-win situation for both of us. Our policy is 'Your Non- Core Responsibilities are Our Core Responsibilities'. We follow this policy religiously and accomplish results with perfection. Regardless of whether you are a start-up or a large industrial conglomerate, we will be at your service. We harness our network of superior suppliers, strategic associates and internal resources to implement actionable insights as well as measurable results.

Security Services

For any organization physical security is paramount. There cannot be any compromise in this. Whether it is the office staff or office property they need to be effectively protected from harm and damage. Our scope of work includes industrial security, event security, residential security, commercial security, shopping malls, financial institutions, government establishments and more

Maintenance Service

Whether it is your building, home or office their maintenance is an important matter. Depending upon need we do maintenance on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. If you want your equipment/property to last long and function well, quality and periodic maintenance is vital. We have the latest, advanced repairing & testing systems. The motto is to ensure fast turnaround period, competitive pricing as well as quality repairs.

Empower Facilities

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